Like nearly every private Early Childhood Educational school in the United States, Joyful Noise Preschool’s annual operating expenses are not covered by tuition alone. Gifts to the Annual Fund cover nearly 9% of the school’s operating budget gap. The fund also plays a crucial role in providing Joyful Noise with the resources necessary to deliver the mission to our children.
The Annual Fund will:
And will provide opportunities such as:
Your gift is very important – large or small and immediately impacts every child at Joyful Noise. Your gift today is an investment in our comprehensive program of meeting the needs of our young children, spirituality, academically, socially, and physically.
The Annual Fund is a new engine that will drive the school. We hope it will be the most powerful vehicles through which we can invest in the future of the students at Joyful Noise.
Our sincere gratitude to everyone who will supported Joyful Noise by giving generously to the Annual Fund.
We encourage you to be a part of the excitement by making a tax-deductible gift. Please help us meet the challenges of another year. You can do so by sending your donation payable to Joyful Noise Preschool
Joyful Noise Preschool
Annual Fund
2215 Brandywine Lane
York, PA 17404
please include your name and mailing address
We would love to hear from you.
Cell Phone, Laptop, Gold & Silver Jewelry Recycling Fundraiser