Become a Race Sponsor

Diamond Sponsor: $1000
- Company logo and name in large print and prominent location on back of souvenir t-shirt
- Company banner at finish line(if you provide us with one)
- Company logo and name on 5K signage
- Display booth at race (if you wish)
- Company representative may participate in the Award Ceremony
- Name and logo will appear on the Joyful Noise Preschool website
- Promotional material may be placed in goodie bags (if you provide)
Platinum Sponsor: $500
- Company logo and name in large print on back of souvenir t-shirt
- Company banner at finish line (if you provide us with one)
- Company logo and name prominently displayed in all race advertisements and mentioned in all media coverage (Newspaper, Radio, TV)
- Name and logo will appear on the Joyful Noise Preschool website
- Promotional material may be placed in goodie bags (if you provide)
Gold Sponsor: $250
- Company logo and name in medium print on back of souvenir t-shirts
- Company logo and name displayed in all race advertisements
- Name and logo will appear on the 5K website
- Promotional material may be placed in goodie bags (if you provide)
Silver Sponsor: $100
- Name and logo will appear on the 5K website
- Promotional material may be placed in goodie bags (if you provide)
Race Day Support (Provides funds for refreshments): $50
- Company Name Listed on Sign at Day of Race
- Promotional material may be placed in goodie bags (if you provide)
In-Kind Donations (race materials or prizes)
- Opportunity to supply flyers for goodie bags (given to all participants)